Usually you only need to pay for your energy, but under some circumstances extra charges may apply.
Our services and fees1:
Remove both smart meters (dual fuel)
Remove a single smart meter (electricity or gas)
OFMAT/standard load test
Fit an isolator
Late payment fee
Warrant fee
If you’re unavailable on the day of your meter appointment
Warrant application fee
Debt collection fee
Debt resolution visit fee (formerly pre-disconnection fee)
Debt collection agency (DCA) admin fee
Upto 31% of the outstanding balance
Legal team litigation and interest claimed fees
Determined on a case-by-case basis
De-energise and move your meter2
Dependent on meter type and size
Request a paper copy of a bill or statement
£1 per copy (£9 max)
Terms and conditions
1 All prices include VAT where applicable.
2 Moving charge applies if we have to move the meter more than 12 inches.