Save time and energy
when you switch to
Sainsbury's Energy

Save time and energy
when you switch to
Sainsbury's Energy
Why switch energy suppliers?
Whether you’ve been with your energy supplier for 1 year or 10, switching to a different energy supplier could save you money. If you tariff is coming to and, or you’re on a tariff with no exit fees, now may be the time to get a quote from a different energy supplier.
If you’re not a Sainsbury’s Energy customer, you can get a quote online and see what tariffs are available for your home. For the most accurate quote you’ll need your electricity and gas usage over the past year to make comparing unit prices easier.
Is it easy to switch energy suppliers?
Yes, switching energy suppliers can be easy to do. You can get a quote directly from the energy suppliers or go through comparison websites. Once you’ve started your switch, your electricity and gas supply won’t be interrupted and your new supplier will work with your old supplier to close down your account.
How do I switch energy suppliers?
1. Get a quote
Choose from our variable and fixed tariffs to find one right for you.
2. Sign up
Pick your tariff, enter your personal details and choose how you want to pay.
3. Link your Nectar account
Provide your Nectar account number to collect your points*
How do I check who my current energy supplier is?
If you’ve recently moved into your new home and aren’t sure who supplies your electricity and gas then you can check using the handy online tools.

Who is my electricity supplier?
The best thing to do is use the Energy Network Association search tool to find your energy network operator. Then get in touch to learn your electricity supplier and your MPAN (Meter Point Administration Number, which is used to identify your electricity meter).

Who is my gas supplier?
You need to talk to the Meter Point Administration Service, either by using their online Find My Supplier search tool or calling them on 0870 608 1524. They can also tell you your MPRN (Meter Point Reference Number, which is used to identify your gas meter).

Why switch to Sainsbury’s Energy?
All in one place
Simplify managing your energy with our easy-to-use online account. Everything you need at the touch of a button.
Answers at your fingertips
Every customer has a dedicated customer service team to help them when they need, by email or over the phone.
Track your usage
Keep an eye on how much energy you’re using and when, with all the information you need to hand 24/7.
A more rewarding energy account
Link your Nectar account online to start multiplying your points when you shop at Sainsbury’s^.
Manage your Direct Debit
Log in to your account to adjust the payment date and amount of your Direct Debit whenever you need.
Send meter readings online
It takes seconds to enter your meter readings online. Send them regularly to keep your bills more accurate.
Our switching FAQs
Do I need to tell my old supplier I’m switching?
No, you don’t need to contact your current supplier, your new supplier will do this. Your new supplier will also send your meter readings to your old supplier so you can get your final bill.
What happens to my balance when I switch energy suppliers?
Your old supplier has 6 weeks from a switch to automatically send your final bill. If you have credit left in your account you should get a refund within 10 working days of your final bill. If you have an outstanding balance then you’ll need to pay that as normal.
Is there a penalty for switching energy suppliers?
If you switch energy suppliers before your current tariff has ended then you may need to pay an exit free. You can check whether your tariff has an exit fee with your current supplier.
How do I join Nectar?
Join Nectar and start collecting points by downloading the app or signing up at You can earn points on the app straight away. If you sign up online, your card will be posted to you within 14 days. You can pick up a card now by grabbing a registration pack from your local Sainsbury’s store.
Bonus Nectar points when join Sainsbury’s Energy on Fix & Reward tariffs
The following applies to all new Sainsbury’s Energy customers who join us on a fixed tariff & customers who joined us on Standard Variable Tariff (SVT) before 01/10/22.
*2,000 Nectar points per fuel (up to 4,000 points) when you join Sainsbury’s Energy on a 12 month tariff. 4,000 points per fuel (up to 8,000 points) when you join Sainsbury’s Energy on a 24 month fixed tariff. Offer only available to new residential gas and electricity customers (dual fuel customers) or electricity only customers switching to Sainsbury’s Energy. Offer requires a residential energy contract for gas and/or electricity. We work out your energy charges from: the daily standing charge(s) that apply to your tariff times the number of days, plus the unit rate(s) that apply to your tariff times based on the amount of energy you use. We then take off any discounts applicable and add VAT. You will be eligible to receive your Nectar points once you are on supply on Sainsbury’s Energy and in accordance with the Offer. You need to tell us your Nectar card number when you apply. It can take up to 30 days from your supply start date to receive your points. If you don’t tell us your nectar card number or you enter your details incorrectly it may delay your points being applied. Nectar 360 Ltd award the points from this offer. No cash alternative is available. Sainsbury’s Energy reserves the right to alter, cancel or withdraw this Offer without notice.
Multiplier points on Sainsbury’s shopping
The following applies to new and existing customers, on any Sainsbury’s Energy tariff, including our SVT tariff.
^ Dual fuel customers receive 2 additional points for each pound spent in Sainsbury’s stores (triple points), 1 additional point if you are a single fuel customer (double points), up to a maximum of 3,500 points per fuel per annum. You will be eligible to receive these additional Nectar points whilst you are on supply on Sainsbury’s Energy. Nectar points are not available on the following limited range of Sainsbury’s goods and services: spirits & liqueurs, alcohol offers on buy 6 save 25%, all alcohol in Scotland & Wales and only where earning/redeeming Nectar points on alcohol products containing more than 0.5% ABV in Northern Ireland, baby milk products, lottery tickets, tobacco & related products, gift vouchers/cards, all prescription & medicines, savings & postage stamps, mobile phone cards & vouchers, e top-up, paypoint payments, charity products, car park tickets, travel money, fuel (except where stated), cashback/saveback, vending machines, concessions, restaurants & coffee shops are excluded. You must comply with age-related products. You cannot earn Nectar points from Sainsbury’s on car related products such as lubricants, oils, de-icer etc. sold by ВР or ESSO at Sainsbury’s Local in partnership with Euro Garages Stores.
We work out your energy charges from: the daily standing charge(s) that apply to your tariff times the number of days, plus the unit rate(s) that apply to your tariff times based on the amount of energy you use. We then take off any discounts applicable and add VAT.
Sainsbury’s Energy is a trading name used under licence by E.ON Next Energy Limited. Registered office: Westwood Way, Westwood Business Park, Coventry.