Help and Support
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Help and Support
for our customers
Meters and meter readings
How do you read a dial meter?
How do you read a digital meter?
How do you read a mechanical meter?
How do I take a meter reading from a smart meter?
Can you submit a meter reading at any time?
Is there a tariff available to customers that have a prepayment meter?
What happens if I get moved on to a prepayment meter?
Do you have to give a meter reading as a prepayment customer?
Why am I being asked for a meter reading when I have a smart meter?
Why is my smart meter’s in-home display showing different information to my energy bill?
What happens if I don’t submit a meter reading?
Do I have to read my own meter or will Sainsbury's Energy read it for me?
How do I read my electric meter in kWh?
How do I calculate my energy meter reading?